Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Twins Update

It seems like it takes me three weeks just to be able to update everyone on what's going on around here. Sorry! :) I'm going to plead lack of sleep. Though, to be honest, I have it wayyyy easy. The twins are only three weeks old and already blessing me with about 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night. Not bad, huh? (Of course, everyone must now knock on wood just so I don't jinx it.)

We all got a huge thrill over Labor Day weekend when Ben was FINALLY able to meet the boys. :) It took no little amount of doing on his part either. He had to fill out a literal ton of paperwork which then had to be filed in triplicate, stamped, pre-approved and then approved. (I joke, but I'm probably not far off the truth.) The day before he was supposed to come up they popped a surprise room inspection on everyone and almost everyone failed... thankfully, Ben and his roommate (who's name I'm not even going to try and pronounce let alone spell) were on the ball and passed. Those who failed were knocked back down to what they call "Phase One Liberty" meaning they weren't allowed off base. I can't imagine how depressed I would have been had that happened to Ben.

But, he made it! Seeing him again at the airport was AMAZING! He looked so good (as you can see in the pictures). It was wonderful to be able to actually hug and kiss him without having to worry about the on-base PDA (public display of affection) rules. (When I went to Lackland a few weeks ago, we could only link arms and kiss for no more then three seconds... DUMB!)

Of course, as much as he loved seeing me again... I think his mind was really on his boys. He missed Jake soo much and of course, he wanted to meet his two newborn sons. It was definitely love at first sight. As soon as he picked them up and started talking to them, they each turned their heads to the sound of his voice. They both just stared at him for the longest time. It was so wonderful to watch. I've posted a few of the pictures.

We had an amazing weekend and it was hard letting him go again. Thankfully, we only have two more weeks until we have him all to ourselves again. He graduates A School on September 26th and will have about 10 days of leave after that before he has to report to Coronado NAB in San Diego, CA. :) We're thrilled that we got San Diego. Not only are we going to be close to Jenn, Ryan, Sam and Jack but Lizzy is already planning our Disneyland vacation next summer. :)

Oh, and at the last pediatrician's appointment both boys weighed in at over 7 1/2 lbs. They're growing wonderfully. :) They're actually starting to get a little chubby. Love it!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Twins are FINALLY here!!

Benjamin Logan and Aiden Thayne Burnett made their debut on August 15th, 2008 at 7:43 a.m. and 7:44 a.m. respectively. Logan weighed in at a hefty (for twins anyway) 6 lbs. 5 oz. and was 18 1/2 inches long. Aiden was right behind him at 6 lbs. 4 oz. and 17 3/4 inches long. Right from birth, the nurses and doctor had trouble telling the two of them apart so you can imagine how much fun its been for all of us. :) If you look closely at the pictures, Aiden has a bright red strawberry birthmark on the upper lid of his left eye. That's been our main identifier so far. Their personalities are becoming very different though - thank goodness. :)

Logan is very chill. He'll fall asleep wherever you put him and generally is just laid back. He doesn't cry that often at all (neither of them do, really) and he loves lying on his back and staring up at everything around him. He also really likes his pacifier and is very, VERY particular about what type we use. Oy.

Aiden is a little more active (which I knew from his time spent in the womb). He loves being in his swing and will hand out there for hours if you let him. He's also a big fan of tummy time and is really getting good at lifting his head. The other day he almost turned himself completely over...and he's barely a week old. He's a little more vocal then his brother and will most definitely let you know when he's not happy.

Both boys did spend some time in the NICU. Logan spent four days while Aiden spent two. Because of the C-section, both boys had something called "Wet Lung" where the amniotic fluid that accumulated in their lungs didn't have a chance to be squeezed out during the natural birth process. Due to the fluid build-up in the lungs, they were having some problems with breathing. They both were taken down for observation and then spent a few more days on oxygen until they could breath steadily with no issues. Logan also had some problems with jaundice but it was rather mild and cleared up quickly. We were very blessed that they were able to come home with us.

Jake is absolutely in love with both of them and begs to hold and feed them as much as possible. He doesn't even complain when I ask him to wash his hands beforehand. He's just been wonderful about helping me out. He loves getting their bottles or blankets and gets the biggest kick out of it when the twins burp. :)

They have their first doctor's appointment on Tuesday. We love their pediatrician. He's really wonderful about explaining everything and really listening and responding to the questions I have. The office staff is fabulous too. :)
I'll post an update after the appointment.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Hey! It's our new blog!!

By popular demand - and because I am just terrible at sending out emails - I've decided to put up on here all the pictures, info and other related Burnett info that everyone's been asking about. :) Hopefully now, we'll be able to keep everyone in the loop. Love you all!